
Simplicity in Mind

Stay on the path with Ankush Jain

The Simple Reflections Podcast

Stay on the path

with Ankush Jain

Hi Reader,

I’m excited to introduce you to Ankush Jain today! Ankush and I first met 6 years ago when we were both speaking in a breakout session at the 3PUK conference in London. Since that point I’ve been watching Ankush’s career go from strength to strength. While that in itself has been something to behold, it’s his passion and driver behind that, that I’ve become more interested in: his mission to raise the consciousness of the planet by up-levelling the coaching industry! Ankush is a hugely successful life and business coach/consultant, proud father, published author, podcast host and public speaker.

In this episode we discuss the idea of staying on the path and getting to the desired destination. However, the path is something you are drawn to rather than driven; a knowing rather than a striving. Ankush quoted a line from Marianne Williamson’s “A return to love”:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us…”.

I encourage you to get curious and see how you might be keeping your light from the world!

I’d love to hear where you’ve felt drawn to something and how that felt different from being driven to achieve something?

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"Clarity: the hidden decision making variable" is a free 10 page pdf I've created in advance of a 60 minute online workshop I plan to deliver in the New Year.

If that sounds interesting follow the link to download your copy and I'll keep you up to date as plans progress

Want to learn more?

Dave Hill is a transformational coach, speaker and podcaster. Find out more by visiting his website; Simplicity in Mind, book a quick call or just reply to this email.

The Simple Reflections Podcast is published every two weeks.

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Simplicity in Mind

Feeling like everything is in order but there's a niggle that feels like something is missing? I'll be sharing ideas I'm learning through my work and conversations with my podcast guests.

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