
Simplicity in Mind

The power of giving space with Matt Roberts

The Simple Reflections Podcast

The power of giving space

with Matt Roberts

Hi Reader,

In the latest episode of the Simple Reflections Podcast I want to introduce you to Matt Roberts, a coach and former British High Jumper. I’ve got to know Matt over the last 6-9 months and I just love the way he sees the world and his wish to share what he’s seen with his clients. Matt mainly works with elite sports people outside of his main employment in events management. I think you’re going to really enjoy his take on life.

In this episode we play with the ideas of being caught up in our heads, our ability to loosen our grip on things, the hidden variable of clarity of mind, as well as the power of giving ourselves and those around us space and see what shows up.

I’d love to hear where you’ve surprised yourself with what came to mind when you gave yourself space to slow down?

Support the show

"Clarity: the hidden decision making variable" is a free 10 page pdf I've created in advance of a 60 minute online workshop I plan to deliver in the New Year.

If that sounds interesting follow the link to download your copy and I'll keep you up to date as plans progress

Want to learn more?

Dave Hill is a transformational coach, speaker and podcaster. Find out more by visiting his website; Simplicity in Mind, book a quick call or just reply to this email.

The Simple Reflections Podcast is published every two weeks.

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Simplicity in Mind

Feeling like everything is in order but there's a niggle that feels like something is missing? I'll be sharing ideas I'm learning through my work and conversations with my podcast guests.

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